“What makes the desert beautiful,' said the little prince, 'is that somewhere it hides a well...”
― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
My relevant educational background and professional experience has been in research within interdisciplinary teams.
I began my career at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) 2009, where I studied for a degree in Pharmacy and master’s degree in R&D of drugs. Shortly afterwards, I started my professional career as researcher in the Department of Pharmacology (Pharmacology of Central Nervous System and Oxidative Stress Research Group) in the Faculty of Pharmacy, University de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) where I was trained in basic and advanced procedures in animal experiments. I have knowledge and experience in performing different behavioural test in-vivo and ex-vivo methods. I am also part of a Spanish patent with international extension P200702519 (Use of oxoisoaporphines and their derivatives thereof as selective inhibitors of monoamino oxidase A. WO/2009/034216).
Since I was studying, I was interested in clinical research and I was working as study coordinator and data manager in thirty clinical trials, specially, but not exclusively in vaccine studies.
In 2011, I joined the Institute of Health Research of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) as a PhD student through a competitive Pre-doctoral scholarship. Since then, my main research has focused on paediatric infections, especially on respiratory infections being the subject of my Doctoral thesis completed in 2015 entitled “Identification and analysis of the impact of co-infections in pediatric patients hospitalized with lower tract acute respiratory infections”
In this time in the group my role has changed significantly from a junior research support role to a managerial one. My job involves doing and supervising research framed national and European projects. I coordinate both national and European clinical networks, and so I spend a lot of time in contact with other researchers and clinicians. Other specific tasks that I am carrying out are staff training, coordination of sample shipments and clinical data entry; monitoring and data entry of clinical data on specific databases and web platforms (Inform®, REDCAP, etc.), as well as data management in order to obtain results for publication.
This job allows me to assist to meetings and congresses and be in contact with specialists in the field and learn from them. In this research group I am able to work with colleges who allow me to grow-up as person and researcher.
I have work experience in all areas of research, which allows me to be a translational researcher with a broad vision.
In my personal skills are the great capacity for organization, planning and constant adaptation as part of interdisciplinary teams. Highlights of my experience include attention to details and accuracy.
Working on projects composed of international and national networks has allowed me to widely develop my communication and leadership skills, interacting with other researchers, in addition to manage situations when working under pressure.