If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.
— Steve Jobs
Reviewer: The Lancet, Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, Vaccine, Archives of Bronchology, Antibiotics, Scientific Reports, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Sustainability, Open Respiratory Archives, International Journal of Infectious Diseases
Guest Editor: Journal of Clinical Medicine
Affiliation: Sociedad Española de Neumología y Cirugía Torácica (SEPAR).
I am a Lebanese female researcher who settled in Spain in 2016 to pursue a research career. In September 2016, I started my doctoral thesis in Epidemiology and Public Health at the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). In the same year, I obtained the scholarship “becas de sostibilidade, participación e integración universitaria” from USC. In July 2021, I obtained a Ph.D. degree of international mention and outstanding Cum Laude classification. During my doctoral period, I spent three-month research stay at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden funded by a mobility grant “Erasmus KA103” obtained in a competitive call.
After obtaining my Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry from the Lebanese University in 2009, I did a specialty degree in Molecular Biology at the American University of Science and Technology (AUST, 2010-2011). Subsequently, I joined a two-year Master program at AUST and obtained a Master of Science Degree in Biotechnology, track DNA technologies in 2013 with “honor” classification. Between 2011 and 2016, I worked as a specialist and consultant in DNA testing according to ISO 17025 standards in the National Reference Laboratory for Genetically Modified Organisms in Lebanon, received several training courses at the European Union Reference Laboratory for GM food and feed, participated in epigenetic research projects in Spain and other countries, and taught genetic laboratory courses. During that period, I represented the Lebanese Government in international forums and in workshops organized by the European Union on transgenic foods. In addition, I led a project on transgenic food testing that included 16 countries. In 2016, I ended my career journey in Lebanon with an award from the Lebanese Ministry of Economy and Trade. Since 2012, I serve as internal auditor on ISO17025 accredited establishments, formerly in Lebanon and currently in Spain.
Between 2018 and 2021, I worked as a research assistant at the Department of Preventive Medicine, USC. After completing my Ph.D. degree in epidemiology in July 2021, I joined the Heath Research Institute Galicia Sur in Vigo-Spain as epidemiologist. In October 2021, I moved to the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) as a postdoctoral researcher where I am investigating vaccine effectiveness and determinants of pediatric and infectious diseases.
My research interests have been centered in the field of pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacogenetics and on uncovering determinants of main health issues. I worked on improving the rational use of antibiotics and tranquilizers. In this line, I validated the first questionnaires on knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward these drugs in developed (Spain) and developing countries in various languages. The validated instruments were applied in the first worldwide cohort studies on determinants of antibiotic and tranquilizer misuse. I have also published several meta-analyses on risk factors of high-burden diseases like asthma and chronic pain and participated as an investigator in pharmacogenetic studies about nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug adverse effects. I have also collaborated in studies about the impact of medication on COVID-19 prognosis. Currently, the majority of my work is oriented toward the epidemiology of child care.
I collaborate with world-renowned centers such as the University of British Colombia, Cancer Prevention Institute of Texas, Karolinska Institutet, University of Bristol and the University of Oslo. My research activities are translated in more than 30 scientific articles published in prestigious journals (as of October 2022).
I also intend to share my research experience with younger graduates and undergraduate students through co-supervising doctoral and master's theses and end-of-year projects as well as via university teaching and giving international workshops.