“I am one of those who think that science has great beauty. A scientist in his laboratory is not just a technician: he is also a child placed before natural phenomena that impress him like a fairy tale”
-Marie Curie
I acquired the title of Senior Laboratory Technician in Analysis and Quality Control in 2019 at the Integrated Vocational Training Center (C.I.F.P. Polytechnic of Santiago)
In 2012 I joined as a technician in practice the Genetics and Biology group on the development of kidney diseases (NefroCHUS) belonging to the Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela (IDIS). I was hired by the same group in December 2013, where I worked as a laboratory technician for four years dedicated especially to the to the reception and recording of samples, DNA extraction from different type of biological samples (blood, serum, urine…), PCR and sequencing, both by traditional Sanger method and by NGS (Next Generation Sequencing), interpretation of sequencing results, management of clinical databases, clinical trials at different ages and with different pharmaceuticals.
In May 2019, I joined the present group, where I am mainly dedicated to the reception, recording and processing of samples, extraction of both DNA and RNA (from different types of biological samples: blood, splitte…) and management of clinical data plataforms.
I also participate in the teaching process of many students during their internship in both groups.
I really like my job, and I always knew I wanted to work on the technical part of a lab. I think I´m a team working person and that I easily adapt myself to any group.
What I value the most about the present group is the multidisciplinary, the team working and the relaxed atmosphere that makes the work more comfortable every day.